"Focusing on the attempted and successful banning of young adult fiction from media centers and classrooms. It also looks closely at young adult novels from the early 1970s until today that have been the subject of book challenges"--Provided by publisher.
Contains biographical-critical profiles of approximately nine hundred authors of young adult literature, and includes some ninety-five articles on topics related to the genre; arranged alphabetically, with photographs and a listing of young adult book awards.
Discusses the benefits of using a "free voluntary reading" model to encourage children to develop strong reading skills to excel academically and later as adults, describing literacy trends in the United States, and examining whether rewards-based programs encourage lifelong reading and the value of phonics in reading instruction.
An analysis of the literary genre that focused on adolescent girls and evolved between the 1960s and 1980s considers the achievements of such authors as Beverly Cleary, Lois Duncan, and Judy Blume, in a collection of essays in which contributing writers remember the ways in which favorite books changed their lives.
America's foremost playwrights on the plays that influenced them
Hodges, Ben
Nineteen American playwrights, including David Auburn, Tina Howe, David Ives, Diana Song, and Charles Fuller, describe the plays that most influenced them.