books and reading

Topical Term
books and reading

Matching books to readers

using leveled books in guided reading, K-3
Describes the key elements and procedures of guided reading; provides a list of books, arranged by title and by level; and includes practical suggestions to help teachers implement guided reading in kindergarten through third grade classrooms.

The Reading Detective Club

solving the mysteries of reading : a teacher's guide
Explains to teachers of grades 3-8 how to start a Reading Detective Club, which teaches reading strategies through special mystery cases that students are asked to solve. Includes thirteen reproducible pages and case analyses for teachers.


a cookbook of delicious reading enhancement activities for grades pre-K to 6
Designed to enhance children's interest in reading, this cookbook features recipes for various food eaten by characters in children's literature.

Read it! Play it!

Reviews fifty books for children three to eight years old as well as dozens of learning games and other activities for them, which can enhance their reading.

Integrating literature in the content areas

enhancing adolescent learning & literacy
Provides strategies for improving literacy in middle and high school classes through the integration on children's and young adult literature across the curriculum.

Reading ladders

leading students from where they are to where we'd like them to be
Explains how to use reading ladders in the classroom, discussing book selection, building a classroom library, promoting content-area knowledge, and assessment.

Promoting reading with reading programs

a how-to-do-it manual
Presents a comprehensive manual designed to develop and implement effective reading programs for Preschool through seventh grade and contains information on storytimes, booktalks, writing, drama, and more.


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