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Dead Max comix

furball of the apocalypse!
Derrick's goldfish friends, Finn and Gillian, have gone missing! Things take a turn for the weird when Derrick realizes his two science teachers are also nowhere to be found. Is it possible Finn and Gillian have been transmogrified into giant teacher-snatching zombie-robot piranhas? Could mysterious postcards hold the answers? And what do plankton, plastic, and the fate of the oceans have to do with missing persons and punny, piscatorial pets? The game is on, and Max and Derrick are on the case, but they could be headed for the deadest of ends as they battle to bag the menacing Furball of the Apocalypse.

Dead Max comix

the deadening
Derrick Hollis is a 7th grader at Zachary Taylor Middle School and an aspiring cartoonist, too shy to show his work to anybody but his best friend Doug. When his dog Max dies, Derrick is left devastated. But then Max returns from the other side and starts to give Derrick advice. Derrick could use it, especially when it comes to affairs of the heart and standing up to bullies. When Derrick is too scared to ask his crush Kim to the Spring Fling, Max tells Derrick to 'dog up!' and shake his tail on the dance floor. Will Dead Max be good for Derrick or lead him astray?.

Dead Max comix

bully for you!
Derrick finally feels like he's getting the hang of Middle School. He's in a band with his best friends and his dogs Bennie and Max are getting along. Even his Dead Max comics and advice columns are a hit, until Max's cat-hating ways start raising hackles with his cat-loving readers. Then when Derrick's cartoons protesting racism backfire, the Muslim kids turn against him and the paper is in danger of being shut down, along with Derrick's cartooning career. Is Derrick a racist bully or trying to help some friends fight hatred? Luckily, Dead Max and some fishy characters are on the case, sleuthing out the real culprit and reuniting the students of Zachary Taylor Middle School with some long, lost friends.

Yaqui Delgado quiere darte una paliza

Piddy Sanchez deals with bullying at her new school, and as the harassment escalates, she struggles to survive and to discover who she really is.


"Growing up can be a tough thing to navigate. Bullying can make it even tougher for young people. This . . . book teaches readers how to . . . deal with bullies and make sure they don't give in to peer pressure to bully others"--Provided by publisher.

Jelly roll

"Fourteen-year-old Jenny is looking forward to her March Break retreat. But then she finds out that the boy who bullies her at school is going too"--Provided by publisher.

25 myths about bullying and cyberbullying

"Maybe your kids have been bullied, or maybe you worry that they will be. Bullying today still happens in traditional ways; but it can also happen in new and confounding ways. The troubles spattered across the media today aren't only new; they're newly confounding. One of the most difficult things about being a parent today isn't social cruelty per se, but the yawning gap in knowledge (particularly around digital issues) and a display of unmistakable human cruelty that can be disquieting. Decreasing or increasing, the fact is that bullying and cyberbullying remain among the most commonly-cited concerns expressed by parents and educators. New and baffling problems, articles, opinions, and advice abound. Yet even this large (indeed, sometimes overwhelming) flood of information doesn't really provide many answers about what to believe (is cyberbullying really rampant?), how to tell when something is truly a problem (versus just "growing pains"), or what parents are supposed to actually do (or not do, as the case may be)"--Provided by publisher.


how the social hierarchy enables bullies to rule schools, work places and society at large
"Turns [a] critical eye onto the topic of bullying to show how teachers, principals, and other school officials invariably side with the bullies in the most egregious cases, instead of protecting the victims . . . shows how many so-called anti-bullying activists and nearly all the professional "experts" excuse bullying and in fact laud sociopathic behavior in general . . . demonstrates [how] this curious phenomenon is due to the power and influence of the social hierarchy, and it revolves to a great extent around the enduring popularity of sports"--Publisher.

Sugar and spite

Sneaking into her grandfather's potions lab to brew a love spell that she hopes will stop a classmate's bullying, herbalist trainee Jolina is surprised by the bully's increasingly friendly overtures, before a magically consequential storm begins to gather.

Chocolate milk, por favor!

When a new kid who does not speak English joins Johnny's class, Johnny is surprised by his classmates reactions.


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