Ostopowich, Melanie

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Provides answers to questions about the science behind waste and includes information about waste management careers, and a related experiment.
Cover image of Waste

Water pollution

Presents an introduction to water pollution, in simple text with illustrations, explaining what it is, and how it affects the environment, and includes information on the different types of pollution, the water cycle, acid rain, and other topics.
Cover image of Water pollution


An exploration of rocks that describes the three main types, formations and where they are found, the work of geologists, rock cycles, and other related topics. www.av2books.com (book code J66825, security question "Crystal".

The rock cycle

An introduction to the rock cycle that discusses types of rocks, how it works, weathering, erosion, sediment, fossils, the work of geologists, and other related topics. www.av2books.com (book code E454830, security question "not".

Los oc?anos, lagos, y r?os

An introduction to oceans, lakes, and rivers that discusses their role in the water cycle and examines how water is used and protected and includes a quiz and an activity. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Oceans, lakes, and rivers

An introduction to oceans, lakes, and rivers that discusses their role in the water cycle and examines how water is used and protected and includes a quiz and an activity. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

La contaminaci?n del agua

Presents an introduction to water pollution, in simple text with illustrations, explaining what it is, and how it affects the environment, and includes information on the different types of pollution, the water cycle, acid rain, and other topics. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Water pollution

Presents an introduction to water pollution, in simple text with illustrations, explaining what it is, and how it affects the environment, and includes information on the different types of pollution, the water cycle, acid rain, and other topics. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Oceans, lakes, and rivers

An introduction to oceans, lakes, and rivers that discusses their role in the water cycle and examines how water is used and protected and includes a quiz and an activity.
Cover image of Oceans, lakes, and rivers

Los oc?anos, lagos, y r?os

An introduction to oceans, lakes, and rivers that discusses their role in the water cycle and examines how water is used and protected and includes a quiz and an activity.
Cover image of Los oc?anos, lagos, y r?os


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