Lankford, Ronald D.

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Alternatives to prisons

Addresses alternatives to incarceration and the pros and cons of employing them to control crime and recidivism.
Cover image of Alternatives to prisons

Is organic food better?

Contains articles that provide a variety of perspectives on organic foods and whether they are better.
Cover image of Is organic food better?

Can diets be harmful?

Contains seventeen essays that provide varying perspectives on dieting, debating if diets support a healthy lifestyle, whether fad diets promote unhealthy eating habits, the benefits of dieting for children, and other related topics.
Cover image of Can diets be harmful?

Is socialism harmful?

Contains articles that provide a variety of perspectives on the question of whether socialism is harmful, and its impact on American values, health care, the military, education, and other aspects of life in the United States.
Cover image of Is socialism harmful?

What is the future of the music industry?

Discusses various issues related to the music industry, such as declining music sales, poor content, illegal file sharing, the obsolescence of CDs, the future of digital music, and the status of vinyl records.

Should the government regulate what people eat?

Contains seventeen essays that discusses issues related to government regulations on nutrition.

Human Waste

Focuses on the topic, human waste, offering a variety of perspectives, eyewitness accounts, governmental views, scientific analysis, newspaper and magazine accounts, and many more to illuminate the issue.


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