Tarendash, Albert S

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Barron's Regents power pack

A two-volume set designed to help students prepare for exams in the field of chemistry, with actual Regents Exams featuring hundreds of questions, detailed answer explanations, and topic overviews.

Let's review

Presents high school chemistry review and practice questions, covering topics in the New York State Regents Chemistry Core and more, and includes reference tables.
Cover image of Let's review

Let's review

Presents first-year high school chemistry review and practice questions, covering topics in the New York State Regents Chemistry Core and more, and includes reference tables.

Let's review

A guide to understanding and reviewing high school chemistry, covering fifteen topics, each with an overview, a summary of ojbectives, multiple-choice questions, and one or more free-response questions.

Barron's regents exams and answers

A guide to preparing for the Physics Regents exam, a test required to meet the commencement standards of New York, featuring test-taking tips, study questions and answers, a glossary of important terms, tables, and seven actual Regents exams and answers.

Let's review

Presents first-year high school chemistry review and practice questions, covering topics in the New York State Regents Chemistry Core and more, and includes reference tables.

Barron's Regents Exams and Answers, Chemistry, the Physical Setting

Gathers five past Regents exams, explains correct and incorrect answers, and helps the student review basic chemical concepts, structures, and processes.

Let's Review

Chemistry, the Physical Setting
This thorough review is focused especially to prepare high school students to do well in introductory chemistry. The book gives special emphasis to the New York State Regents Chemistry Exam and covers all the materials contained in the New York State Chemistry core.
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