aeronautics, military

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aeronautics, military

Famous Air Force fighters

Summary: Traces the development of Air Force aviation by examining specific types of fighter planes.

Famous air force bombers

A history of the bombers used by the Air Force through the years with descriptions of the various kinds.

Air combat

Describes the tactics of air combat, famous flying aces, and the fighter planes that were used in World Wars I and II, the Korean War, the Cold War, Vietnam, and the Gulf War.

The Thunderbirds

the U.S. Air Force Aerial Demonstration Squadron
Describes the history, aircraft, maneurvers, and the future of the U.S. Air Forces' Thunderbirds.

Black Hawk helicopter

Provides information about Black Hawk helicopters, and tells stories of some of the dangerous missions undertaken by the pilots of the high-powered, high-speed choppers.

Billy Mitchell

evangelist of air power
A brief biography of World War I aviator General Billy Mitchell that chronicles his life, career, and his personal belief in the airplane as a defensive weapon of war.

Military aircraft, origins to 1918

an illustrated history of their impact
Examines the history of military aircraft from their origins to 1918, and discusses air combat through World War One, advanced in aircraft design, and more.

The Thunderbirds

Describes the operation of the U.S. Air Force's crack aerial demonstration squadron, the Thunderbirds, including the team's history, selection and training of pilots, and planning and executing a show.

The Luftwaffe in World War II

the rise and decline of the German Air Force
Treats the development of the German air force under Herman Goering and its part in World War II, describing the airplanes and other equipment and the destruction of the air force by the end of the war.

Fighter pilot

Describes the education and training it takes to become a fighter pilot, and provides information on aviation history, flight training, and more.


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