The Benson boys return to Buckman for spring vacation and concoct a prank involving a non-existent ghost, continuing the practical joke war between the Hatford boys and the Malloy girls.
The Hatford brothers cannot imagine spending Thanksgiving dinner with the Malloy sisters as the practical jokes and rivalries between the two families continue.
the (formerly) anonymous prank club of Fountain Point Middle School
Baker, Kimberly
Using a bogus name, the League of Picklemakers, sixth-grader Ben and three recruits start a prank-pulling club and receive funding from their middle school's PTA.
Hubie is struggling to prepare his pranks for April Fools' Day as he realizes the whoopee cushion, the rubber tarantula, and the fly in the ice cube just aren't good enough anymore.
When the magic wind turns fourth grader Katie into her friend George, who has been playing practical jokes to liven up their school, she has to figure out how to get him out of trouble and sooth everyone's hurt feelings.
The members of the Baby-sitters Club think they can handle a young practical joker, but when one of her tricks causes Claudia to break her leg, the girls know they must teach their new charge a lesson.
Recounts the events that occur at the end of seventh grade, when a group of friends plan to trick Carlos, an annoying "problem" student who says he is visited by aliens, while they are on a field trip in the mountains of New Hampshire.
Spud and Joe are determined to catch the mysterious prankster who keeps getting them into trouble when they spend their summer at Camp Custer with Mary Frances Hooley and Lamar J. Spurgle.