captive wild animals

Topical Term
captive wild animals

Alligators Are Not Pets!

Introduces alligators, describing their physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, discussing why these animals are unsuitable as pets, and state laws pertaining to owning and feeding them.

Second nature

environmental enrichment for captive animals
A collection of papers presented at the First Conference on Environmental Enrichment discussing ways of evaluating the past, present, and future attempts to enhance the well-being of captive animals in laboratories, zoos, and aquaria.

Captive beauty

zoo portraits
Contains color photographs taken primarily in the late 1990s that showcase the artificial and limiting conditions under which animals are kept in zoos around the world.

Free Willy 2

the adventure home

Last animals at the zoo

how mass extinction can be stopped
Provides a defense of zoo breeding programs and a plan to save animals from extinction.

Meant to be wild

the struggle to save endangered species through captive breeding
The story of endangered North American animals that have been captured for breeding programs and the scientists who are working to place them back in the wild.

Windows on wildlife

Illustrates how zoos, wildlife parks, and aquariums reproduce the wild by designing realistic habitat exhibits for their plants and animals.

Endangered animal babies

saving species one birth at a time
Examines such endangered species as the barn owl, birdwing butterfly, and tomato frog and discusses the attempts to save them through captive breeding programs.

Back to the wild

Describes efforts to save endangered animals from extinction by breeding them in captivity, teaching them survival skills, and then releasing them into the wild.

The modern ark

saving endangered species
The story of United States zoos breeding endangered species in captivity and then releasing them in their natural habitats.


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