Golden, Christopher

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Spike & Dru

pretty maids all in a row
Spike, determined to present his monster lover Drusilla with the legendary magical necklace Freya's Strand for her birthday, agrees to infiltrate the Watchers' Council and kill the current Slayer, as well as all the Slayers in training, if the demon Skrymir will turn over the jewels.

The myth hunters

Oliver Bascombe abandons his dream of being an actor to join the family law firm and marry a respectable woman, but on the eve of his wedding, Oliver is lost in a blizzard and encounters Jack Frost, who needs Oliver's help to save both himself and his world, an alternate reality where fairy tales come true.

Crashing paradise

a novel of the menagerie

The nimble man

a novel of the menagerie
A group of men and women possessing supernatural abilities and otherworldly backgrounds are called together by the enigmatic Mr. Doyle to confront the minions of darkness who have begun their quest to resurrect the most malevolent of the fallen angels.

Stones unturned

a novel of the menagerie
The Menagerie, a group of supernatural and otherworldly beings, try to rescue their youngest member, a changeling named Danny Ferrick, from falling into darkness.

Thief of hearts

Jenna Blake, working as a pathology assistant at the local hospital, decides to investigate when her friends at Somerset University are targeted by a killer who is removing the hearts of his victims.

Force majeure

Twenty-year-old Shane Monroe, working on a major research project for a brain trust, devises a means of replicating a tornado, but things turn ugly when he realizes the organization wants to use his discovery as a weapon.

Mind the gap

a novel of the hidden cities
Jasmine Towne, warned by her mother to always assume someone is after her, learns the truth of that caution when she finds herself on the run from black-clad strangers known as the "Uncles" who force her to take refuge in London's vast underground where she learns the truth about her destiny and why there are people who want to keep her from fulfilling it.

A new hope


Straight on 'til morning

During his last summer before high school, Kevin Murphy risks his life to save the girl he loves from a land he was never meant to know about.


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