
Topical Term

Just for now

kids and the people of the court
Gilbert and his big sister Rachel must go to foster care while their mother is in rehab, and meet a lot of adults appointed to help them including a caseworker, foster parents, foster brothers and sisters, a lawyer, therapist, a judge, and their own court appointed special advocate.

The U.S. Supreme Court

Introduces children to the Supreme Court, its justices and how it selects and decides cases.

The cupcake thief

When Zack accuses Tyler of stealing his cupcake, they take the matter to the school's Student Court for a trial.

Making our democracy work

a judge's view
Explains the importance of the United States Supreme Court, discusses why Americans often blindly follow their rulings, and examines various times throughout history when court decisions have been ignored, protested, and debated.

U.S. Judiciary

Offers arguments for and against topics related to the U.S. judiciary, including the Federal judiciary checks and balances, the state courts, and selected problems in the system of justice.

Theodore Boone

the abduction
Theodore Boone uses his knowledge and skills to investigate the disappearance of his best friend, April, after police hit dead ends.

We'll meet again

Investigative reporter Fran Simmons puts her own life in danger when she sets out to discover who really killed Dr. Gary Lasch, a murder for which his wife, Molly, has spent years in jail, even though she has no memory of the night of his death.

You be the jury

courtroom collection
Stories about various court cases are related. The reader studies the evidence and votes guilty or not guilty.

Order in the court

a look at the judicial branch
Provides information about the workings of the judicial branch of the American government, explaining what the law is and the role of courts in interpreting law, introducing the types of people involved in the court system, and taking a look at the Supreme Court.


Describes the jobs available in a typical courthouse and the training necessary for these jobs.


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