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Health care

a right or a privilege?
Addresses questions about health care in the United States, discussing who provides, pays for, and regulates health care, the problems of inefficiency and inequity, and related political issues, and looking at health care services around the world.

Identity theft

Examines the controversies over various methods used to protect people from identity theft, explaining why many believe the solutions are an invasion of civil liberties and individuals' right to privacy.

Reproductive technology

Examines both sides of the debate over reproductive technology, discussing the religious argument against reproductive technology, as well as controversies surrounding sperm and egg donations, and encouraging students to utilize critical thinking skills to create informed opinions on the issue.

Government entitlements

Examines controversies surrounding government entitlements, explaining what they are, discussing social security, welfare, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, and related topics, and encourages students to utilize critical thinking skills to create informed opinions on the issue.

Religion and government

should they mix?
Presents a series of essays that discuss issues concerning whether or not religion has a part in the governmental process and how attitudes toward religion and government affect how America deals with foreign nations.


Discusses the issues related to steroid use, including whether steroids are dangerous and if the government should have a role in their regulations.


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