
Topical Term

Foul ball frame-up at Wrigley Field

When eleven-year-old Omar is unfairly blamed by the media for a Chicago Cubs loss at home, his fellow Baseball Geeks try to clear his name.

I didn't do it!

"When things start going wrong around the castle everyone blames the Little Princess"--OCLC.


Years after Darra Monson's father stole a minivan with Wren Abbott hiding in the back, the girls come face to face at summer camp and together they try to work through what happened to them and the impact it had on their lives.

The blame game

are we a country of victims?
Examines the apparent excesses of the "victims movement" and how the tendency to blame our misfortunes on anyone but ourselves affects public policy and the workplace. Three segments cover people seeking compensation for their troubles, unintended consequences of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and some possible sources of African Americans' problems.

Foul ball frame-up at Wrigley Field

When eleven-year-old Omar is unfairly blamed by the media for a Chicago Cubs loss at home, his fellow Baseball Geeks try to clear his name.
Cover image of Foul ball frame-up at Wrigley Field

Betty Bunny didn't do it

When a young rabbit breaks a table lamp and blames the Tooth Fairy, her family explains the importance of honesty.

Imperfect spiral

When a teenaged girl's babysitting charge is killed in a car accident while in her care, she must come to terms with the aftermath of the tragedy and her community's search for someone to blame.


the story of a goat named Oat and a chewed-up coat
Each time something goes wrong in the Choat household Jimmy blames the pet goat, Patsy Petunia Oat, who tries to tell the truth about Jimmy's misdeeds but neither Mr. nor Mrs. Choat can understand her language.

America's victims

opposing viewpoints
Presents twenty-six articles debating the effects of victimhood on American society, discussing whether the nation is being tested by increasing claims of oppression, or if recent concessions are an appropriate outcome of women's and civil rights movements.


Years after Darra Monson's father stole a minivan with Wren Abbott hiding in the back, the girls come face to face at summer camp and together they try to work through what happened to them and the impact it had on their lives.


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