Submitted by khenkes on Tue, 12/28/2021 - 17:07
Demonstrates to teenagers how to recognize depression in themselves and in others as well as what to do about it and what to avoid doing. Includes a group of diverse 13 year olds who discuss what they would do if a friend confided that he or she was thinking of suicide. Also presents an interview with a girl who at 15 was depressed and eventually attempted suicide.
Submitted by khenkes on Tue, 12/28/2021 - 17:07
Explains exactly what is considered cheating and plagiarism. Teens speak frankly about why they feel the need to cheat, what the long-term effects of cheating are, and ways that cheating might be prevented.
Submitted by khenkes on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 15:46
Demonstrates to teenagers how to recognize depression in themselves and in others as well as what to do about it and what to avoid doing. Includes a group of diverse 13 year olds who discuss what they would do if a friend confided that he or she was thinking of suicide. Also presents an interview with a girl who at 15 was depressed and eventually attempted suicide.
Submitted by khenkes on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 15:46
Native American teenagers from throughout the United States share their stories. Learn about common misconceptions and stereotypes about Native Americans, how they balance traditional culture with contemporary concerns, and their hopes for the future.
Submitted by khenkes on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 15:46
Looks at abuse in adolescent relationships. Discover that abuse comes in many forms and can be hard to recognize at first. Teenagers of diverse backgrounds openly discuss their experiences with dating violence. Stories from a male victim as well as siblings and friends are also profiled.
Submitted by khenkes on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 15:46
Looks at ways that young people in different parts of the world express their beliefs and feelings.
Submitted by khenkes on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 15:46
Explains exactly what is considered cheating and plagiarism. Teens speak frankly about why they feel the need to cheat, what the long-term effects of cheating are, and ways that cheating might be prevented.
Submitted by khenkes on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 15:46
Demonstrates to teenagers how to recognize depression in themselves and in others as well as what to do about it and what to avoid doing. Includes a group of diverse 13 year olds who discuss what they would do if a friend confided that he or she was thinking of suicide. Also presents an interview with a girl who at 15 was depressed and eventually attempted suicide.
Submitted by khenkes on Fri, 11/02/2018 - 13:23
Investigates the dangers of teenage drinking including impaired motor skills and judgement, addiction, and legal consequences.
Four diverse teen reporters point out the dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle. Offers easy to follow information on reading labels to find fat and sugar in food, exercising, eating well at fast food places, changing family habits and nutrition basics. Uses humor and compelling personal stories.