
Geographic Name

The adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha

Relates the adventures of Don Quixote, the visionary idealist and Sancho Panza, the practical realist.

Your passport to Spain

What would it be like to live in Spain? How is Spain's culture unique? Explore the sights, traditions, and daily lives of Spaniards.

Poem of the Cid

Presents an English verse translation of the twelfth-century epic about the exploits of Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar--the Cid--a knight of vision and courage, and features the Spanish text on facing pages.

The Spanish Inquisition

a history
A history of the Spanish Inquisition that began in the late fifteenth century and during which nearly 32,000 people were publicly burned at the stake, and its long-term impact on Spain's culture, economy, and intellectual life.

For whom the bell tolls =

[Nugu r?l wihay? chong ?n ullina]
The story of an American, Robert Jordan, who fought during the Spanish Civil War with the anti-fascist guerrillas in the mountains of Spain.

All you knead is love

Banished from her abusive home for a summer with her estranged grandmother in Barcelona, twelve-year-old Alba feels hope and love while exploring a newly discovered passion for bread baking.


a refugee story from the Spanish Civil War
Follows a group of 456 children whose families sent them to Mexico aboard the Mexique at the start of the Spanish Civil War for what was expected to be a short stay. Includes historical notes.

Experience Spain

A guide for people traveling to Spain that includes information on the food, culture, history, people, and places across Spain.


a refugee story from the Spanish Civil War
This book follows a group of 456 children whose families sent them to Mexico aboard the Mexique at the start of the Spanish Civil War for what was expected to be a short stay. Includes historical notes.


Explores the country of Spain, including its people, culture, animals, and more.


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