Moss, Marissa

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Talia's codebook for mathletes

Starting her own all-girls mathlete team, Talia, who loves math puzzles and code-breaking, is determined to lead her team to victory while trying to break the social code of preteen life.

The woman who split the atom

Lise Meitner
"As a female Jewish physicist in Berlin during the early 20th century, Lise Meitner had to fight for an education, a job, and equal treatment in her field, like having her name listed on her own research papers. Meitner made . . . strides in the study of radiation, but when Hitler came to power in Germany, she suddenly had to face not only sexism, but also life-threatening anti-Semitism as well. Nevertheless, she persevered and one day made a discovery that rocked the world: the splitting of the atom. While her male lab partner was awarded a Nobel Prize for the achievement, the committee refused to give her any credit. Suddenly, the race to build the atomic bomb was on--although Meitner was horrified to be associated with such a weapon. 'A physicist who never lost her humanity,' Meitner wanted only to figure out how the world works, and advocated for pacifism while others called for war"--Provided by publisher.

Boardwalk babies

"In the late 19th century, there wasn't much hope for premature babies-- until Dr. Couney developed the incubator. The device was so new and strange, hospitals rejected it. So Dr. Couney set up a sideshow at Coney Island, taking care of the tiniest newborns as part of a display to convince the public that incubators worked. Thousands of babies grew into healthy children as Boardwalk Babies, including Dr. Couney's own premature daughter"--OCLC.

Amelia y el viaje m?s largo del mundo

Ten-year-old Amelia keeps a journal of the summer car trip she takes with her mother and sister to the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, and their California hometown, where they visit Amelia's best friend. Presented in Spanish.
Cover image of Amelia y el viaje m?s largo del mundo

Amelia: c?mo sobrevivir al colegio

Amelia provides advice--some of it humorous--about surviving homework, teachers, oral reports, and other things that make school annoying or frightening.
Cover image of Amelia: c?mo sobrevivir al colegio

Hannah's Journal

The story of an immigrant girl
In the Russian shtetl where she and her family live, Hannah is given a diary for her tenth birthday and in it she records the dramatic story of her journey to America.
Cover image of Hannah's Journal

Alien Eraser unravels the mystery of the pyramids

Did aliens build the pyramids? Will a magic love potion bring Mom and Dad back together? And what do school science, mummified apples, and alien erasers have to do with it? In a second zany, jam-packed graphic novel, Max jots down his worst fears and best brainstorms.
Cover image of Alien Eraser unravels the mystery of the pyramids

The name game!

In her diary, Daphne Davis doodles, draws, and documents a series of disasters on her first two days of fourth grade, most of which result from her new teacher accidentally calling her Daffy.
Cover image of The name game!

Amelia's family ties

Amelia receives a letter from her father and is invited to visit him and his new family.

Rose's journal

Rose keeps a journal of her family's difficult times on their farm during the days of the Dust Bowl in 1935.


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