Presents a graphic novel adaptation of the ancient Greek poem written by Homer. Set in the final days of the Trojan War, the warrior leader Achilles calls upon the gods to help him when Agamemnon takes Achilles's captive Briseis.
Contains a complete plot summary and analysis of Homer's "The Iliad", as well as discussion of the characters and themes, and includes study questions.
While the beautiful Helen of Troy watches, Achilles and his cousin Ajax battle the Trojan prince Hektor and his ally, King Sarpedon of Lykia. Meanwhile, Pandarus schemes to protect himself by using his niece Cressida to win the heart of Troilus. Both Cressida and Troilus are faced with important decisions.
High King Agamemmnon is determined to conquer Troy and rescue his brother's wife, Helen, but first his army must pass the island of Tenedos. Following the battle on the island, Philoktetes is bitten by a poisonous snake and Odysseus finds a solution to the problem.
Adapts the epic poems of Homer and Virgil into three plays for middle-school students, each with more than twenty speaking parts, and includes background information, activities, and short assessments.
Discusses the everyday life of the gods of the Iliad, including what their bodies were made of, how they received nourishment, their social life on Olympus and among humans, and their loves, festivities, and disputes.
Traces the lineage of the epic poems "The Illiad" and "The Odyssey," considers the original purpose of the works, and follows their spread throughout the world.