Presents a collection of essays that provide information on ethnic violence, discussing the roots of the problem, looking at its manifestations in different countries, and exploring ways to prevent ethnic conflicts.
A guide to the culture and society of Colombia for tourists and business travelers, providing information about the country's land and people, values and attitudes, customs and traditions, home life, and entertainment with advice on making friends, communicating, travel, and conducting business.
A guide to the customs and etiquette of Russia that covers land, people, values, attitudes, traditions, socializing, shopping, travel, health, business, and communicating.
Offers information to travelers on French culture and society, providing a brief history of the country, and covering values and attitudes, customs and traditions, the French at home, shopping, business dealings, and other topics.
A guide to the customs and etiquette of Panama that covers land, people, values, attitudes, traditions, socializing, eating out, shopping, travel, business, and communicating.
A guide to the customs and etiquette of India that covers land, people, values, attitudes, religions, food, shopping, health, business, and communicating.
A guide to the customs and etiquette of Hong Kong that covers land, people, values, attitudes, traditions, making friends, household practices, shopping, dining out, travel, business, and communicating.
A guide to the culture and society of Spain, providing information about the country's land and people, values and attitudes, customs and traditions, and home life, and including advice on making friends, communicating, travel and entertainment, and conducting business.
A guide to the culture and society of Guatemala, providing information about the country's land and people, values and attitudes, religion, customs and traditions, and home life, and including advice on making friends, communicating, conducting business, travel and entertainment, and health and safety.
A guide to the customs and traditions of Germany that offers information on the history and culture of the country, provides advice on social and business etiquette, and includes linguistic help.