indians of north america

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indians of north america

How the world was saved and other Native American tales

Presents eight myths and legends from various Native American peoples, including the Algonquins, Pawnees, Blackfeet, and Navajo.

Heetunka's harvest

a tale of the Plains Indians
A story about the greed and selfishness of one Dakota woman who took all the beans from Heetunka the Bean Mouse and gave nothing in return.

Eagle boy

a traditional Navajo legend
Father and Mother Eagle take a Navajo boy to the country of the clouds where, though he allows Coyote to trick him, he learns the healing ways of eagles.

The day Sun was stolen

One day Bear reaches up into the sky, steals Sun, and buries him in a cave. It is up to brave Ts'ina dabju to rescue Sun and save the world from the dark and cold.

Monster Birds

a Navajo folktale
Twelve-year-old twins use their weapons, lightning arrows and magic feathers, to defend their village from the Monster Birds.

How Turtle's back was cracked

a traditional Cherokee tale
Turtle's shell is cracked when the wolves plot to stop his boastful ways.

How Rabbit tricked Otter

and other Cherokee trickster stories
Fifteen traditional tales follow the adventures of Rabbit, the Cherokee trickster.

How Chipmunk got tiny feet

Native American animal origin stories
Retellings of seven stories about animal origins taken from Koasati Creek, Navajo, and Tsimshian traditions.

Coyote makes man

Coyote has the delicate task of creating the first human being. He calls all the animals together to ask their advice.

Coyote and the laughing butterflies

Coyote is tricked by some butterflies who laugh so hard about their joke that they cannot fly straight.


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