In 1960s Norfolk, England, seventeen-year-old Clem Ackroyd lives with his mother and grandmother in a tiny cottage, but his life is transformed when he falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy farmer in this tale that flashes back through the stories of three generations.
Chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II, discussing her childhood, education, royal responsibilities, marriage, family challenges, and the tragedy and traditions of her life.
Chronicles the life of Elizabeth II, Queen of England, discussing her ancestors, her inspiring radio addresses during World War II, her relationship with her cousin Philip, and her reign as England's queen.
Drawings and text introduce the history of costume, tracing the major fashion developments of the period. Includes a glossary and a list of places to visit.
Chronicles the life of Elizabeth II, Queen of England, discussing her ancestors, her inspiring radio addresses during World War II, her relationship with her cousin Philip, and her reign as England's queen.