Levinson, Cynthia

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Fault lines in the constitution

the framers, their fights, and the flaws that affect us today
Looks at the history of the writing of the United States Constitution, discussing that the nation is still suffering from the consequences of disputes and decisions made in 1787, as the new government was being created.

The people's painter

how Ben Shahn fought for justice with art
"'The first thing I can remember,' Ben said, 'I drew.' As an observant young child growing up in Lithuania, Ben Shahn yearns to draw everything he sees--and, after seeing his father banished by the Czar for demanding workers' rights, he develops a keen sense of justice, too. So when Ben and the rest of his family make their way to America, Ben brings with him both his sharp artistic eye and his desire to fight for what's right. As he grows, he speaks for justice through his art--from challenging classmates who bully him for being Jewish, to resisting his teachers' calls to paint beautiful landscapes in favor of painting stories true to life, to using his work to urge the US government to pass Depression-era laws that help people find food and security. In this moving and timely portrait, award-winning author and illustrator Cynthia Levinson and Evan Turk honor an artist, immigrant, and activist whose work still resonates today: a true painter for the people"--Provided by the publisher.

Fault lines in the constitution, the graphic novel

the framers, their fights, and the flaws that affect us today
Many of the political issues we struggle with today have their roots in the US Constitution. Here is a timely exploration of the document that forms the basis of our society and government.

Fault lines in the constitution

the framers, their fights, and the flaws that affect us today
Looks at the history of the writing of the United States Constitution, discussing that the nation is still suffering from the consequences of disputes and decisions made in 1787, as the new government was being created.
Cover image of Fault lines in the constitution

We've got a job

the 1963 Birmingham Children's March
Presents the story of black elementary, middle, and high school students who voluntarily went to jail, and succeeded where adults had failed to desegregate a racially violent city.

Fault lines in the constitution

the framers, their fights, and the flaws that affect us today
Looks at the history of the writing of the United States Constitution, discussing that the nation is still suffering from the consequences of disputes and decisions made in 1787, as the new government was being created.

The youngest marcher

the story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a young civil rights activist
Tells the story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a nine-year-old civil rights activist, who marched and was jailed in order to rid Birmingham, Alabama of its segregation laws.

We've got a job

the 1963 Birmingham Children's March
Discusses the 1963 Birmingham Children's March in Birmingham, Alabama.

Watch out for flying kids!

how two circuses, two countries, and nine kids confront conflict and build community
Looks at the young acrobatic members of Circus Harmony in St. Louis, comprised of inner-city and suburban youth, and the Galilee Circus in Israel, comprised of Jews and Arabs.

We've got a job

the 1963 Birmingham Children's March
Discusses the 1963 Birmingham Children's March in Birmingham, Alabama.
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