Guinness world records

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Guinness World Records

amazing animals
"Whether it's a selfie-taking monkey, a skateboarding dog or a weasel flying on a woodpecker, the world can't get enough of crazy animal stories. Guinness world records: amazing animals is the perfect opportunity to paws for thought and celebrate the incredible creatures that steal our hearts!"--.

Guinness World Records

amazing animals
"Whether it's a selfie-taking monkey, a skateboarding dog or a weasel flying on a woodpecker, the world can't get enough of crazy animal stories. Guinness world records: amazing animals is the perfect opportunity to paws for thought and celebrate the incredible creatures that steal our hearts!"--.

Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records

Biggest and smallest!

Have you ever wondered how you size up to the tallest man in the world? How about the shortest woman? In this book, we explore the biggest and smallest records on the planet, from huge hounds and dinky donkeys to supersized snacks and micromachines. For these Guinness World Records holders, size really does matter!.
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