drone aircraft

Topical Term
drone aircraft

Robots and drones

past, present, and future
"Presents the history of robotics, from the world's earliest mechanized robots to modern machines used in the home, in the military, and in space exploration"--OCLC.
Cover image of Robots and drones

Drones and entertainment

"Drones go where humans fear or are unable to tread. This remains true for drones in the military and law enforcement sphere, but also for venues that could popularize drones: the entertainment and media sectors. This book covers the background of drone technology with detailed explorations of how drones may both revolutionize (and complicate) the fields of news gathering, film and television production, sports and special event broadcasts, photography, and much more. Readers will also benefit from the book's in-depth look at drones' implications for personal privacy, copyright, and other legal implications, such as the regulatory environment surrounding drone use itself"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Drones and entertainment

Video ideas

"Explains the video-making process from script to screen, with techniques to try out and practical tips to produce . . . projects at home. Discover how to get the best angles, lighting, and sound quality, and add special effects when recording using phone, webcam, camera, or camcorder"--OCLC.
Cover image of Video ideas

Enemy of the realm

a dragons vs. drones novel
"Marcus and Dree prepare to set out on a quest to find the storied, magical Egg. But first they'll have to rally Dracone's rebels and dragons if they're going to have any chance of winning the war against Francis's army of drones."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Enemy of the realm


"Learn all about unmanned aircraft, or drones, including how they were invented and improved over time, what they are used for today, and why they have sometimes caused controversy"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Drones

Incredible drone competitions

"Describes popular drone racing and battle competitions held around the world"--.
Cover image of Incredible drone competitions

Drones and warfare

Readers will be fascinated by the history of drones, their current usage in hot spots around the globe, and their possible future incarnations.
Cover image of Drones and warfare

Drones and law enforcement

From securing borders, to active shooter situations, terrorism, emergency management, and security, this book explores the capabilities drones may provide.
Cover image of Drones and law enforcement


Explores the history and uses of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles.


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