pueblo indians

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pueblo indians

Zu?i Pueblo

A color-illustrated look at the history, customs, and daily life of the Zu?i Pueblo Native American tribe. Includes a glossary and a further-reading list.

Flecha al sol

un cuento de los indios Pueblo
An adaptation of the Pueblo Indian myth which explains how the spirit of the Lord of the Sun was brought to the world of men.

Red power on the Rio Grande

the native American revolution of 1680
Details the causes and events of the Pueblo Indians' revolt against their Spanish rulers in 1680.

Thunder Bear and Ko

the Buffalo nation and Nambe Pueblo
Describes the life of Thunder Bear Yates and his family in Nambe Pueblo, where they are trying to preserve the traditions of their ancestors as well as the buffalo that are sacred to their people.

Maria Montoya Martinez, master potter

A brief biography of the Pueblo Indian woman who became famous for her clay pottery.

The Spanish & colonial Santa Fe

Explores the history of Santa Fe, New Mexico, founded in 1610 as the northernmost outpost of the vast Spanish empire in the New World. In search of cities of gold, the Spanish expanded northward from Mexico, but instead of gold they found the Pueblo Indians, whom they converted to Catholicism and made Spanish citizens. Despite ongoing conflicts, the unique mix of the Spanish and Pueblo cultures left a lasting legacy that can still be seen in Sante Fe today.

The Pueblo

Discusses the history, culture, beliefs, changing ways, and notable people of the Pueblo.

Mother Earth, Father Sky

Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest
Discusses the culture, history, and society of the Pueblos.

The Pueblos

farmers of the Southwest
Describes the dwellings of the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest, including the rectangular buildings of stone and clay called pueblos, underground community rooms known as kivas, and cliff dwellings.


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