Discover dogs with the American Canine Association

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I like Malamutes!

Text and illustrations introduce young reader to caring for Alaskan Malamute dogs.

I like Weimaraners!

Early readers will learn how to care for a Weimaraner dog including breed-specific traits and needs.

I like shih tzu!

Explores how to take care of shih tzu dogs.

I like Saint Bernards!

Text and illustrations introduce young readers to caring for Saint Bernard dogs.

I like Malamutes!

Text and illustrations introduce young reader to caring for Alaskan Malamute dogs.

I like Corgis!

Text and illustrations introduce young readers to caring for Welsh corgi dogs.

I like border collies!

Early readers will learn how to care for border collies, including breed-specific traits and needs.

I like Akitas!

Early readers will learn how to care for an Akita dog including breed-specific traits and needs.

I like Airedale terriers!

Early readers will learn how to care for an Airedale terrier dog including breed-specific traits and needs.

I like shiba inus!

Text and illustrations introduce young readers to caring for shiba inu dogs.


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