bosnia and herzegovina

Geographic Name
bosnia and herzegovina

The cat I never named

a true story of love, war, and survival
"It is 1992 and Bihac, Amra's hometown, is a multicultural city with Muslims, Croats, and Serbs. But when tensions escalate, the Serbs turn on their Bosnian neighbors. The Serbs control the army, and now they have peaceful Bihac surrounded. Soon Amra and her family are dealing with starvation and the threat of brutal violence; school, friendships, and the attentions from a new boy have to take a back seat to finding food and the tragic fallout from rising bigotry and ethnic hatred. Through it all, a stray cat, Maci, serves as a guardian spirit to the entire family"--Provided by publisher.

World in between

based on a true refugee story
"Kenan loves drawing and playing soccer with his friends...Sometimes his parents drive him crazy, but he feels loved and protected until the war ruins everything. Soon, Kenan's family is trapped in their home with little food or water, surrounded by enemies. Ten months later, with help from friends and strangers, they finally make it out of the country alive. But that's only the beginning of their journey"--Provided by publisher.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

An introduction to Bosnia and Herzegovina describing its land, wildlife, cities, food, history, and more.
Cover image of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Eyewitness to the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

"Details the Austrian Archduke's assassination from the perspectives of those involved"--Provided by publisher.

We are all that's left

Told in two voices, Nadja grows up in war-torn Bosnia in the 1990s and, in the present, refuses to discuss her youth with her daughter, Zara, until both are traumatized by a terrorist attack in Rhode Island.
Cover image of We are all that's left

The power of dependence

NATO-UN cooperation in crisis management
"Since the end of the Cold War, crises from the Balkans to Central Asia and Africa have forced international organizations to adapt, expand, and cooperate to end civil wars, manage humanitarian challenges, and contain terrorist threats. The 'Power of Dependence' explores the complex relationship between two of these organizations: NATO and the United Nations"--Jacket.

Flowers for Sarajevo

In 1992, a young boy whose father is away at war discovers, from their flower stall, the power of beauty and kindness in the wake of the bombing of Sarajevo.

Bosnia & Herzegovina

the Bradt travel guide
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