An introduction to cheetahs, discussing what they look like, how and where they live, their hunting and running abilities, their babies, and their endangered status.
Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and natural environment of the cheetah, the fastest land animal on Earth, and discusses its endangered status.
Details the lives of lions, leopards, and cheetahs from birth through adulthood in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park and describes man's role in protecting the future of these cats.
Two stories of endangered big cats living at the San Diego Zoo--Blanca, a rare white tiger, who was rescued from the back seat of a car bound for Mexico, and Arusha, a cheetah who shared a special friendship with a dog.
Rosanna Hansen describes her experiences working at a nature reserve owned by the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, Africa, and shares what she learned about the endangered animals and what is being done to protect them.
Two unusual black cheetahs share a mental link, one cat coming from the past to reveal scenes from his life with the young pharaoh Tutankhamen, and one struggling to survive in a future world ravaged by ecological disaster.