
Topical Term

The math behind science, society and technology

Albert Einstein once said, "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." While readers may see math as an isolated discipline, in reality, it is at the core of many social, economic, and physical realms of society. This title offers explanatory text that helps readers understand key mathematical concepts such as the importance of p values in statistical analysis. It also reveals how math can be used in unexpected ways, including to combat gerrymandering. Complete with an exploration of theoretical issues in mathematics, this intriguing title will help readers see how math is crucial to our understanding of the world.
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a manifesto
"A world without prisons? Ridiculous. Schools that foster the genius of every child? Impossible. Work that doesn't strangle the life out of people? Naive. A society where everyone has food, shelter, love? In your dreams. Exactly. Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University professor, insists that imagination isn't a luxury. It is a vital resource and powerful tool for collective liberation. Imagination: A Manifesto is her proclamation that we have the power to use our imaginations to challenge systems of oppression and to create a world in which everyone can thrive. But obstacles abound"--Provided by publisher.

My life as a Jew

What are the core teachings and beliefs of Judaism? In this revised edition, developed by and with Jewish practitioners and teachers, readers will learn about one of the world's major religions through the lens of two different perspectives. They will be introduced to important figures, sacred texts, holidays, and historical significance. This narrative nonfiction book uses considerate text that is written at a higher maturity level with a lower reading level to engage and accommodate struggling readers. The content supports the academic study of a diversity of religious views, participation in a multicultural society, as well as key social studies concepts.

One nation, two cultures

"Gertrude Himmelfarb taught at the Graduate School of the City University of New York, where she was named Distinguished Professor of History in 1978"--Jacket.

Pros and cons

social media censorship
There are always two sides to every argument. Advocating for issues that matter to you is important, but what's equally as important is understanding those issues from the other perspective. This title dives deeper into this highly debated topic and provides readers with the tools and strategies to think critically and analyze the topic through an unbiased lens. Readers will learn how to use logic and facts to defend and argue against both stances while also learning how to stay empathetic and emotionally levelheaded. Book encourages, promotes, and helps build social-emotional learning (SEL) and highlights key 21st century skills and content. Includes research activity, table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, and educational matter.


the movement of humankind from prehistory to the present
The history of migration from prehistoric man's first steps out of the Rift Valley to the present-day exodus from Syria, and the effects migration has had on language and culture, artistic and scientific advancement throughout history. While recognizing that distinctions between categories are often fuzzy, Migration covers many types of migrants including explorers, slaves, pilgrims, mineworkers, laborers, exiles, refugees, students, tourists, retirees and expatriates. Cohen covers a long span of history and many regions and themes, giving context and color to one of the most pressing issues of our time. The text is supplemented by a series of vivid maps, evocative photographs and powerful graphics. Migration is present at the dawn of human history ? the phenomena of hunting and gathering, seeking seasonal pasture and nomadism being as old as human social organization itself. The flight from natural disasters, adverse climatic changes, famine, and territorial aggression by other communities or other species were also common occurrences.

Sociology and the new materialism

theory, research, action
"Explores the many and varied applications of 'new materialism', a key emerging trend in 21st century thought, to the practice of doing sociology. Offering a clear exposition of new materialist theory and using sociological examples throughout to enable the reader to develop a materialist sociological understanding"--Back cover.

Sociolog?a para mentes inquietas

An introduction to sociology, covering theories, sociologists, and important issues such as gender, identity, welfare, consumerism, and more.

Violence against the LGBTQ community

Members of the LGBTQ community are under constant threat of physical violence and verbal harassment simply for wanting to be who they really are.


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