drug addicts

Topical Term
drug addicts

Pill head

the secret life of a painkiller addict
The author describes his nonmedical use of Vicodin, relating how he started to become addicted to it, how it affected his life and relationships, and his road to recovery, and provides insight into the lives of other people who have addiction problems with pain killers.


confronting a loved one who uses drugs
Discusses strategies that friends and family members may use to make a teen face up to his or her addiction and get support to overcome it.

The truth about marijuana

Besides describing the effects of marijuana, this volume also provides information about drug testing, dependence and withdrawal, and finding help for treatment.

The truth about ecstasy

Describes the effects of ecstasy, explains why it is a dangerous drug and how it can lead to addiction, and discusses how to seek addiction help.

The truth about amphetamines and stimulants

Amphetamines and stimulants are among the most popular, and consequently, most dangerous drugs today. With low prices and instant availability, these drugs have taken a strong hold with teens and young adults. This narrative is friendly and nonjudgmental while being explicit about the dangers and long-term consequences of using any of these drugs.


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