computer software

Topical Term
computer software

Video game developer

"Simple text and full-color photography introduce beginning readers to video game developers. Developed by literacy experts for students in kindergarten through third grade"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Video game developer

App kid

how a child of immigrants grabbed a piece of the American dream
A memoir from a Latino Silicon Valley entrepreneur who taught himself to code at age thirteen, became Facebook's youngest ever employee at seventeen, and eventually became an product manager and founder-in-residence at Google.

Coding games in Scratch

Guides children through building platform games, puzzles, racers, and 3-D action games using Scratch 3.0.


a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators
Looks at Zotero for professionals, focusing on setting up, creating your library, creating bibliographies and writing with Zotero, and other topics.

Build a website

"Did you ever wonder how websites are made? Learn about different types of sites, how they are designed, programmed, and more"--Provided by publisher.

CNC router essentials

basics for mastering the most innovative tool in your workshop
The authors offer a step-by-step guide on how to use a computer numerical control woodworking machine. Covers project design essentials, toolpath basics, machine setup, bit selection, and more. Includes practice projects.

Creating slide shows

"In [this book], readers learn how to create . . . slide shows. Activities throughout the book prompt students to think moredeeply, be creative, share information and resources, and grow their knowledge"--Provided by publisher.

Code a Minecraft mod in JavaScript step by step

Presents a guide on the basics of JavaScript through the game, Minecraft.
Cover image of Code a Minecraft mod in JavaScript step by step

Scratch challenge workbook

Text and illustrations provide the essential skills on how to work with the Scratch platform.
Cover image of Scratch challenge workbook

Scratch for kids for dummies

"Packed with full-color photos and easy-to-follow instructions, 'Scratch For Kids For Dummies' makes it easy to get started--even if you've never attempted computer programming or coding. Inside, you'll find out how to design and develop your own games, create amazing animations, interact with the online Scratch community, and much more!"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Scratch for kids for dummies


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