Anderson, Michael

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Earth and its moon

Describes the astronomical properties of the Earth and its Moon, including the geological structure of Earth, it's different atmospheres, and the physical characteristics of the Moon.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a man of many talents who was invaluable to the founding of the United States. After loaning his expertise to writing the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson went on to serve as the third U.S. president. Jefferson's extraordinary life and accomplishments are recounted in this engaging volume.

Abraham Lincoln

A biography of President Abraham Lincoln that describes his early life and political career, challenges as President of the United States during the Civil War, his stand against slavery, assassination, and legacy.


Presents an introduction to Electricity and magnetism, covering the history of their study, important concepts related to them, and applied technology that utilizes these forces.

Biographies of the new world power

Rutherford B. Hayes, Thomas Alva Edison, Margaret Sanger, and more
Examines the lives of a number of men and women in America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the era when America became a world superpower, and the influence they had in creating the new America. People like President Rutherford B. Hayes, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, and Margaret Sanger are introduced and their contributions to society analyzed.

The sun, stars, and galaxies

Describes the Sun and other stars in the galaxy, including their structures, energy production, physical properties, and the life cycle of a star.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan had demonstrated a talent and passion for politics, even during his time as an actor, and his combination of knowledge and charisma won over voters. Readers examine Ronald Reagan's life and career, from his boyhood to the successes and challenges connected to his administration to his final days.

Early civilizations of the Americas

Introduces readers to the magnificent kingdoms and empires of early South, Middle, and North America and the rich heritage of the peoples who made them.

Global Warming

This thought-provoking volume examines the science behind the greenhouse effect, identifies the human role in and response to climate change, and explores the various effects of this worldwide phenomenon.

The nature of planets, dwarf planets, and space objects

Describes dwarf planets and other celestial bodies within the solar system, including asteroids, comets, and meteors, and discusses the nature of the solar system and how and why satellites move in orbit.


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