kidnapping victims

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kidnapping victims

Her every fear

When Kate Priddy's distant cousin, Corbin, invites her to temporaraily swap apartments Kate agrees, hoping a change of scenery will help her overcome the anxiety she has lived with since her ex-boyfriend kidnapped her and nearly ended her life. But soon after her arrival Corbin's next-door neighbor is found murdered and as more information comes to light Kate begins to wonder if her cousin was involved.

In light of all darkness

inside the Polly Klaas kidnapping and the search for America's child
"On October 1, 1993, a 12-year-old girl was kidnapped at knifepoint from her bedroom in Petaluma, California, during a sleepover with two friends, while her mother slept soundly in the room next door. This rarest of all kidnappings--a stranger abduction from the home--triggered one of the largest manhunts in FBI history. Riddled with red herrings, grave mistakes, dead ends, and false leads, from fake ransom calls to junior high pranks to dramatic SWAT raids, the 65-day search for 'America's Child' became every FBI agent's--and every parent's--worst nightmare"--Provided by publisher.

You won't believe me

"Willow is alone, confined to a bed with restraints. She can't remember how she got there . . . or how long she's been there. An old lady appears in her room to feed her twice a day. Granny doesn't talk, but Willow can hear thumping from somewhere beyond her door. It's not Granny's shuffling steps. It's too loud to be Granny's cat. Is it someone? Something? Then Granny's cat dies in Willow's room. And Granny follows a few days later. Willow will do anything to survive. But freeing herself from her bed is only the beginning"--Provided by publisher.

Angels of death

"After finding a knife in Zack's room and bringing it back to Floor B2, Ray searches for Zack, but he's nowhere to be found. Gray is present, however, and he has words for the girl who's charmed his angels. 'The first link in this chain of misery . . . is you.' And with that, the deliberations end, Ray's true character is revealed, and the witch trial begins"--Back cover.

Angels of death

"Longing to be useful to Zack, Ray heads deeper into Floor B2. An intriguing scent fills the air, and before she knows it, Ray finds herself drawn to its source--Father Gray. She needs his help, but before she can receive it, her innermost thoughts are revealed, and her trial begins..."--Back cover.

Angels of death

"After a life-and-death struggle, Zack and Ray have finally made it through Floor B1. With the surface so tantalizingly close, all that's left is to find a way up. They decide to split up and search--a decision Ray starts to question when she finds herself all alone before Father Gray once more..."--Back cover.

Angels of death

"Zack and Ray have finally arrived on the first floor of the basement, but Ray has a meltdown, losing consciousness before they can even make it through the first room. Seeking to separate the two, Danny appears before Zack with a question: 'Why don't you learn everything about her?' Meanwhile, the past Rachel's been desperately trying to hide is about to come out"--Back cover.

Angels of death

"Thanks to Ray's breakdown, Zack is now forced to explore Floor B1 by himself. Yet as he continues to search the area, he finds that the many traps it hides seem to bear some connection to Ray"--Back cover.

Drone strike

a sniper novel
"On a classified mission to help the Israeli Defense Forces stop a Syrian and Hezbollah invasion to seize the Golan Heights, Ranger sniper Vick Harwood and his spotter go deep undercover. Operating with limited support from the American and Israeli governments, Vick is out on the edge. Alessandra Cavezza, Director of Operations in Syria for the Italian UN Commission for Refugees, is moving families out of an embattled neighborhood. The nearly vacant suburb has been a haven for anti-Assad forces, ISIS militants, and Russian private military contractors. As she crawls into the basement of a home to help find a young girl's doll, she finds a secret room that has detailed descriptions of unthinkable attacks on the United States, and falls into the hands of a madman: Jasar Tankian, Lebanese mastermind behind the plots"--Provided by publisher.

Bring back our girls

the untold story of the global search for Nigeria's missing schoolgirls
"A definitive account of the rescue mission to free hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls after their kidnapping by Boko Haram describes how a global social media campaign initiated with the Twitter hashtag #BringBackOurGirls prompted a dramatic worldwide intervention"--OCLC.


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