
Topical Term

The man without a country

Contains Edward Hale's "The Man Without a Country," in which an army officer, Aaron Burr, disowns his country; and "A Message to Garcia," by Elbert Hubbard, in which a Cuban war hero delivers President McKinley's letter to Garc?a, along with two additional essays by Hubbard.

The eye of the heron

The story of two communities of outcasts from earth living on another planet.

The house of the dead

and, Poor folk
Contains two novels by nineteenth-century Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, including "The House of the Dead" which details the horrors experienced by a man imprisoned for murdering his wife; and "Poor Folk," in which Makar and Varvara, second cousins who live across the street from each other, exchange letters in which they describe their terrible living conditions.

As you like it

Presents the text of Shakespeare's comedy of love and redemption in exile, compares the differences between its first printing and modern editions, includes footnotes that discuss variations, and contains explanations of line structure.

William Shakespeare's As you like it

In graphic novel format, presents the play by William Shakespeare in which Rosalind, banished to the Forest of Arden and disguised as a boy, reunites with her true love Orlando.

Home and exile

An autobiography of the Nigerian novelist and poet in the form of three lectures that have been adapted, by the author, into book form.

As you like it

Shakespeare's classic comedy depicting the romantic struggles of Rosalind and Orlando is accompanied by scene-by-scene analysis, text, plot, characters, and staging of the play.

The FitzOsbornes in exile

In January 1937, the members of Montmaray's royal family are living in luxurious exile in England, but remain determined to free their island home from the Germans, despite growing rumors of a coming war that might doom their country forever.

The Great escape

nine Jews who fled Hitler and changed the world
Examines the lives of nine Jewish men who grew up in Budapest but where forced to flee in the face of the Nazis, and whose achievements in the fields of science, photography, literature, and the movie industry made lasting impressions on history.

As you like it

Folger Shakespeare library


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