Yomtov, Nelson

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Being your best at cheerleading

Readers learn about the origins, growth, and requirements of cheerleading, which began as a way to encourage players in other sports, but has evolved into an intensely competitive sport in its own right.

Being your best at basketball

Discusses the history and rules of basketball.

Being your best at football

Discusses the history and rules of football.


"Learn about the illegal hunting of protected animal species, from what methods poachers use to how governments and other organizations are fighting to end poaching."--Provided by publisher.

Illegal animal traffickers

Learn how criminals sneak animals across the boarders, killing around 100 African elephants each day.

Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic

"...illustrations follow the events of Amelia Earhart's flight across the Atlantic. The combination of brightly colored panels and leveled text is intended for students in grades 3 through 7"--Provided by publisher.

From termite den to--- office building

Find out how termite dens are helping builders design new kinds of office buildings.

Ferdinand Magellan sails around the world

"Exciting illustrations follow Ferdinand Magellan's trip around the world. The combination of brightly colored panels and leveled text is intended for students in grades 3 through 7"--.

Tracking an assassin!

Nickolas Flux and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
"In graphic novel format, follows the adventures of Nickolas Flux as he travels back in time to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and joins the hunt for John Wilkes Booth"--Provided by publisher.

Peril in Pompeii!

Nickolas Flux and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius
"In graphic novel format, follows the adventures of Nickolas Flux as he travels back in time and must survive the eruption of Mount Vesuvius"--Provided by publisher.


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