Discovery education : discoveries and inventions

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Dinosaur hunters

Provides information on the search and study of dinosaurs.

The invention of money

Currency is a fact of human life, and this book explores its genesis, beginning with those early coins and precious objects and tracing their legacy to the banknotes and fraud-detecting devices of the twenty-first century.
Cover image of The invention of money

The industrial revolution

age of invention
This book captures the spirit of discovery that characterized the tumultuous century, while exploring the lasting legacy of these discoveries, and their impact on human life. Illustrated timelines, primary source photographs, and clear diagrams explain the inventions of the era, while informative sidebars add depth.
Cover image of The industrial revolution

Creating and cracking codes

Looks at the history of code making and breaking, from Champollion deciphering Egyptian heiroglyphs to the German Enigma machine.

The invention of money

Explores the history of money and why people invented it in ancient days. Discusses both paper money and real money in gold and precious items, and how banking works.

Creating and cracking codes

Explores the history of cryptography and codes, discussing a variety of different kinds of codes and ciphers, as well as how codes have been used by militaries throughout the world.

Leonardo da Vinci

the greatest inventor
Leonardo da Vinci is remembered as a painter, an inventor, a scientist, an engineer, and an architect. This book examines his many contributions to the intellectual climate of the Renaissance in Italy while also tracing his legacy in inventions of the modern era, including the helicopter and military tank.

Conquering the sky

This book takes students through the events leading up to historical moments and the milestones that have since followed, while informative sidebars and clear diagrams explore developments in flight in more detail.

Leonardo da Vinci

the greatest inventor
Presents an introduction to the life and career of artist, scientist, and inventor Leonardo da Vinci.

Creating and cracking codes

This revealing book traces codes throughout history, from an encryption device used by the Spartans in 400 B.C. to the Enigma Code of the 1940s, pausing to consider coded military secrets and newspaper scoops alike. Students will be delighted by code-cracking diagrams.


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