Eboch, M. M

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Educational equity

"Anthology of essays exploring parity in education"--.

Universal basic income

"During the 2020 Democratic primary campaign, candidate Andrew Yang's policy of universal basic income was something many Americans had never heard of. Yang's background as a tech entrepreneur likely influenced his platform, as he projected that within the next decade one of every three workers would be at risk of losing their jobs to new technologies. Basic income has been debated and piloted in countries around the world since the 1960s. While support seems unlikely in the United States, a country that prides itself on the merits of hard work, automation and a drastically changing labor force could change that"--.

Executive privilege and the powers of the presidency

"The Founding Fathers took great pains to set up a government with three equal branches with the intent of limiting the powers of any one branch. Yet the executive branch possesses powers, known as executive privilege, that can be invoked to withhold information from the other branches in certain matters. But what happens when presidents use executive privilege to hide wrongdoing? How much does the public deserve to know? In this volume, experts make their cases both against and in support of executive privilege and project how it might be expanded or limited in the future"--Provided by publisher.

Tu Youyou

A brief biography of pharmacologist Tu Youyou, an expert in both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, who found a cure for malaria and is credited with saving many lives.
Cover image of Tu Youyou

Physician-assisted suicide

"Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is legal in nine US states and the District of Columbia. It is not without controversy, even in those states in which PAS laws have been passed. Proponents believe that it's a matter of liberty, that the terminally ill have the right to choose how their lives will end. Opponents argue that such laws make the terminally ill vulnerable to medical errors and abuse, and that in effect they devalue life. The viewpoints in this volume examine physician-assisted suicide from many angles, providing readers with a comprehensive approach to a challenging topic"--Provided by publisher.

Animal testing

"Animal testing continues to meet with strong opposition from animal rights groups and others. Few people are interested in harming animals, but the practice seems preferable to using human subjects. The truth is, medical research using animal testing has contributed to many important treatments and cures for humans. But what are the ethics of testing on animals, and is there an alternative? The viewpoints in this volume explore the reasons companies and researchers use animals to test their products and treatments, the harms and benefits of animal testing, and options for animal-free tests"--Provided by publisher.

Service, emotional support, and therapy animals

"Animals provide support to humans on a daily basis. Service animals are rigorously trained to assist the visually impaired as well as people with life-threatening medical conditions. Therapy animals are trained to provide comfort to those in need. Emotional support animals give their owners companionship and therapy. While some of these animals have been scientifically proven to be indispensable, the value of others is dubious. The viewpoints in this volume explore the expanding world of assistance animals, shedding a light on how they do-and don't-enhance our lives"--Provided by publisher.

Cults, sects, and new religions

"Recently, cults have been a source of fascination, with various TV shows, movies, and books portraying them in lurid detail. However, cults have existed since ancient history, and many new religious movements have proven to be harmless. What distinguishes a cult from a sect, and how do these new religious movements become accepted? What strategies are in place to prevent dangerous cults from forming, and how do these cults recruit members to begin with? Should cults and sects be granted the right to religious freedom? This volume explores the history of unorthodox religious groups and the debates surrounding them"--Provided by publisher.

Cultural appropriation

A collection of essays on cultural appropriation from different points of view.

Forest biomes around the world

Discusses the geography and resources of the temperate forest biome as well as how animals and people have adapted to and impacted forest environments.


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