Coleccion Altea benjamin

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Los volcanes

montan?as vivientes
An illustrated study of volcanoes, covering how they form, eruptions, magma, gases, and more.
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La aventura de la papa

Explains what potatoes are, how they grow, where they originated, natural threats to the vegetable, and the importance of the potato as a food source throughout the world.
Cover image of La aventura de la papa

El arroz, ese grano tan pequen?o que alimenta al mundo

Answers questions about rice, how it is cultivated, and its role in the diets of people throughout Asia.
Cover image of El arroz, ese grano tan pequen?o que alimenta al mundo

Co?mo viven los animales durante invierno

A simple introduction to the habits of a variety of animals, including birds, bats, bears, and frogs, during the winter. Presented in Spanish.
Cover image of Co?mo viven los animales durante invierno

Co?mo vivi?an los romanos?

Describes, in text and illustrations, various aspects of day-to-day life in ancient Rome.
Cover image of Co?mo vivi?an los romanos?


Discusses the origins and forms of musi, the evolution of musical instruments, and the formation of an orchestra.
Cover image of Mu?sica!

El oso, un gigante no muy tranquilo

Provides information about eight species of bears found around the world, and discusses the strength and agility that make bears so dangerous.
Cover image of El oso, un gigante no muy tranquilo

Las ballenas y otros mami?feros marinos

An exploration of the physical characteristics, habitats, and behavior of whales and other marine mammals.
Cover image of Las ballenas y otros mami?feros marinos

Historia de la hoja de papel

Answers questions about the history of paper, how it is made, and how it is used.
Cover image of Historia de la hoja de papel

A orillas del Nilo en tiempos de los faraones

Describes, in text and illustrations, various aspects of day-to-day life in ancient Egypt.
Cover image of A orillas del Nilo en tiempos de los faraones


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