friends and associates

friends and associates

Hemingway vs. Fitzgerald

the rise and fall of a literary friendship
Profiles the friendship between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, discussing how the two met, why they were so competitive, and how their friendship was affected by their writing.

French connections

Hemingway and Fitzgerald abroad
Contains seventeen essays which explore the influence authors Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald had on each other's work, and the role of France, where the two men first met, on their relationship and careers.

The yellow house

Van Gogh, Gauguin, and nine turbulent weeks in Arles
Explores how differences in temperament between artists Paul Gauguin and Vincent van Gogh created an explosive form of inspiration for both while the two men lived together for nine weeks in 1888.

Napoleon and his collaborators

the making of a dictatorship
Explores the relationship between Napoleon Bonaparte and his civilian political supporters who worked behind the scenes to garner support and further the goals of the French leader.

Truman Capote

in which various friends, enemies, acquaintances, and detractors recall his turbulent career
Blends the voices of Capote's lovers, haters, acquaintances, and colleagues into a captivating and highly readable narrative.

Great friends

portraits of seventeen writers

Remembering poets

reminiscences and opinions : Dylan Thomas, Robert Frost, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound

100 voices

an oral history of Ayn Rand

Lincoln as I knew him

gossip, tributes, and revelations from his best friends and worst enemies
A collection of nineteenth-century letters, diary entries, book excerpts, and speeches written about Abraham Lincoln by many people who knew him.

The little bugler

the true story of a twelve-year-old boy in the Civil War
Draws from regimental histories and first-person accounts to reconstruct the daily routines and military experiences of Gustav Schurmann, who, at the age of twelve, was one of the youngest soldiers to serve in the Union Army during the Civil War.


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