Scott Foresman social studies

Compare Series: 

Cuarderno de evaluacion

todos juntos
Spanish language of book. contains a variety of assessment formats, content and skills tests. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Cuaderno de practica

todos juntos
Spanish language material of the workbook. In it,students will develop word structure skills, games and activities, writing and vocabulary cards. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Banco de actividades diarias

todos juntos
Spanish language version of the 180 fast facts to use each day of the school year. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

First grade social studies

print teacher materials
First grade teacher print materials for the Scott Foresman Social Studies people and places collection. Please see individual title records for more specific information on each item.

Second grade social studies

student materials
Second grade student materials for the Scott Foresman Social Studies people and places collection. Please see individual title records for more specific information on each item.

Second grade social studies

non-print teacher materials
Second grade teacher non-print materials for the Scott Foresman Social Studies people and places collection. Please see individual title records for more specific information on each item.

Libros por nivel

guias del maestro
Spanish first grade leveled reader teacher guides. Some include reproducibles for students. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Nuestras comunidades

Spanish second grade social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.

Es la ley

Spanish second grade social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.


Spanish kindergarten social studies leveled readers. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.


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