A de ?mbar

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Segundo grado es incre?ble, ?mbar Dorado

Amber's second-grade teacher announces that the desk fairy will give out Clean Desk Awards to students who keep their desk clean.

Qu? viaje, ?mbar Dorado!

?mbar Dorado, her family, her best friend Justo, and his family all prepare to vacation in the Poconos.

Lista para segundo grado, ?mbar Dorado

Amber Brown is excited about entering the second grade, but she is also very nervous about what to expect.

Justo a tiempo, ?mbar Dorado

?mbar Dorado gets upset with her friend Justo because he is never on time; but ?mbar learns that friends can have differences and still get along.

Es d?a de feria, ?mbar Dorado

?mbar Dorado and her best friend, Justo, enjoy a wonderful day at the fair, until her parents begin to argue and ?mbar gets lost.
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