Rochester specific spanish textbook created for the Rochester City School district. Features local children, parks, schools and biographies of Rochesterians.
Lesson plans structured using the Understanding by Design model. Streamlined lesson plans for each unit in the program. Used to teach core content using a mix of hands-on activities, literature and text. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Book contains a variety of assessment formats, content and skills tests. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Based on research by Dr. Jim Cummins. Book is used to activate prior knowledge, access content and extend language. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Hands on, minds on learning! Simulations and projects, writing projects, and reader's theater included. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Based on research by Dr. Jim Cummins. Book is used to activate prior knowledge, access content and extend language. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.
Based on research by Dr. Jim Cummins. Book is used to activate prior knowledge, access content and extend language. Social Studies Curriculum materials are year long loans to grade level appropriate teachers.