constitutional amendments

Topical Term
constitutional amendments

Amendment XXII

establishing term limits for U.S. president
Examines the twenty-second amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which limits to two the number of terms to which a person may be elected president, providing historical background, court cases, and debates about its impact.

Amendment XIV

due process
Explore the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States through primary and secondary sources, both historical and contemporary.

Amendment XIII

abolishing slavery
Explores the Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment through primary and secondary sources.

Amendment XIX

granting women the right to vote
Explores the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States through primary and secondary sources, both historical and contemporary.

The Bill of Rights

a user's guide
Describes the history and development of the first ten Constitutional amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights, and presents stories of the many people who have helped to keep it a living document.

A more perfect Constitution

23 proposals to revitalize our Constitution and make America a fairer country
Argues that the only way to restore equity for all American citizens is to make radical revisions to the Constitution, and proposes twenty-three resolutions that could change American government and society for the better.

Rights and values

Introduces students to the basic rights guaranteed to every American citizen under the Bill of Rights.

What's the Bill of Rights?

Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the Bill of Rights, discussing the history of the Constitution, when it was added, who wrote it, other amendments, and why it is important.

What are the amendments?

Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to constitutional amendments, discussing why they are added to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, how they are repealed, and why they are important.

The Bill of Rights

Describes the freedoms that the Bill of Rights protects, and includes a glossary, the Bill of Rights, the Miranda rights, the Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congress, and the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which served as a model for the Bill of Rights.


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