Bensinger, Henry

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Ancient Greek geography

Examines the geography of Ancient Greece, discussing climate, agriculture, trade and more.

The ancient Greek economy

Examines the economy of Ancient Greece, discussing currency, job availability, trade and more.

Ancient Greek technology

An illustrated introduction to the technology of ancient Greece, including tools for agriculture, indoor plumbing, construction methods, shipbuilding, medicine, and more.

Ancient Greek daily life

An introduction to ancient Greek daily life, discussing family life, homes, marriage, and more.

Ancient Greek technology

Explores the technology employed by the people of ancient Greece. Discusses how the Greeks constructed everything from roads to aqueducts and reveals how elements of their technological advances continue to shape our world. Includes color photographs and a glossary.

Ancient Greek government

Examines the government of Ancient Greece, discussing the military, the court of law, what oligarchy is and more.

Ancient Greek technology

Readers will be introduced to Greek innovations from the civilization's earliest days through the Bronze and Iron Ages. Photographs of artifacts will draw in readers and excite their imaginations.

Ancient Greek geography

Readers will learn how Greeks used everything at their disposal, such as the sea, minerals in the earth, and fertile farmland, to flourish as a civilization. The concept of a society's relationship to its land and resources is covered in depth.

The ancient Greek economy

Readers will discover that Greece's trading was so influential that its pottery has been discovered in many different areas of the world. Exemplifying how an ancient civilization still holds great importance to this day.


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