Presents the story of Helen Keller, a young girl trapped in silence and darkness and her escape to become an inspiration, showing the world how belief, trust, and determination can set a person free. Written in Spanish.
A brief biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, with photographs and simple text describing her childhood, her accomplishments, and how she changed the role of First Lady.
Offers brief accounts of well-known milestones in news reporting and broadcasting, such as the invention of the printing press and television, and how innovations help disperse news today.
Chronicles the life and times of the well-known blind and deaf woman who learned how to read, write, and speak, and eventually became the first hearing impaired and visually impaired person to obtain a college degree.
A brief biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, with photographs and simple text describing her childhood, her accomplishments, and how she changed the role of First Lady.
Examines the life and accomplishments of Clara Barton, a nurse during the Civil War who founded the American Red Cross in 1881; and includes a timeline.