north america

Topical Term
north america

Indian warriors and their weapons

Describes the weapons, clothing, charms, and methods of fighting of each of seven Indian tribes: Ojibwa, Iroquois, Sioux, Blackfeet, Crow, Apache, and Navaho.


signs of the season around North America
Looks at what winter is like in different parts of North America, and describes some of the things people like to do during the winter months. Includes fun facts, words to know, and an activity.

Schoolyard games

This book examines the different types of outdoor schoolyard games, including dodgeball, tag, and skipping, as well as recess activities played by children in 19th century North America.

How the moon regained her shape

Presents an illustrated story based upon Native American folktales that explains the phases of the moon.

Classroom games

This book examines classroom games for different subjects, including mathematics, spelling, geography, and history, as well as art and music, played by children in 19th century North America.

Little Runner of the longhouse

A young Iroquois Indian boy wants to take part in the New Year's celebration just like the older boys do.

Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see?

Illustrations and rhyming text portray a young bear searching for its mother and meeting many North American animals along the way.

New York Native Peoples

Describes the history, environment, beliefs of the Native Peoples of New York state, and the organization of the Iroquois Confederacy; and profiles some famous individuals, such as Joseph Brant and Handsome Lake.

The Inuit

Describes the history, culture, and environment of the Eskimos and the many changes brought about by their contact with the "white people's" society.

The Algonquian

Discusses the history and way of life of those East Coast Indian tribes whose common language and culture related them, making a larger group known as Algonquian.


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