
Topical Term

Moonwalking with Einstein

the art and science of remembering everything
United States Memory Champion Joshua Foer chronicles his exploration of human memory, examining how the memory can be improved and discussing the value of memory.

Be near me

Father David Anderton, a homosexual priest educated at Oxford and considered a posh outsider by his neighbors, is attacked by the Scottish town he serves after he kisses Mark, a rebellious teenager to whom he has grown close.

Songs for a teenage nomad

Having lived in twelve places in eight years, fourteen-year-old Calle Smith knows better than to put down roots, storing memories in a song journal while she keeps the world at a distance, but friends--even a boyfriend--are there to help when she learns why her mother has always been on the run.


Twelve-year-old Lottie and her best friend Lewis, who speaks only to her, find themselves in a world called LightLand, where they confront the dreaded NightKing, a dangerous being who experiments with the energies of memory.

Brain rules

12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and school
Discusses how the brain works and how to treat it well, including getting enough exercise and sleep, how to learn effectively, and how the brain evolved, presenting twelve principles for optimum brain performance at work, home, and school. 'Contains DVD.

The magic backpack

Josh forgot to bring the cocoa for the chocolate cake his class is going to make, but when he pulls the strings on his magic backpack, Josh and a friend fly to his uncle's cocoa plantation in Ghana.

Chester Raccoon and the acorn full of memories

After his mother explains why his classmate is not returning to school, she teaches Chester Raccoon how to make a memory.

The boy on Cinnamon Street

Since a tragedy she cannot remember, Louise has changed and locked her feelings inside but through friends and notes from a secret admirer she begins to find herself again.

Fireflies, peach pies, & lullabies

When Francie's Great-Granny Annabel dies of Alzheimer's disease, Francie finds a way to help people remember the real person rather than the shell she had become as the disease ran its course.


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