compact discs

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compact discs

Football genius

a novel
Troy, a sixth-grader with an unusual gift for predicting football plays before they occur, attempts to use his ability to help his favorite team, the Atlanta Falcons, but he must first prove himself to the coach and players.
Cover image of Football genius

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter, now a fifth-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, struggles with a threatening teacher, problematic house elf, the dread of upcoming final exams, and haunting dreams that hint toward his mysterious past.
Cover image of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Animal farm

Presents an unabridged reading of George Orwell's political satire in which the animals take over running the farm, but find their utopian state turning into a dictatorship.
Cover image of Animal farm


Katie Takeshima, a Japanese American girl growing up in rural Georgia during the late 1950s and early 1960s, is cheered by the optimism of her sister and best friend Lynn, but when Lynn becomes very ill, Katie struggles to find a way to keep her hopeful spirit alive within the family.
Cover image of Kira-kira


Roy, who is new to his small Florida community, becomes involved in another boy's attempt to save a colony of burrowing owls from a proposed construction site.
Cover image of Hoot

A year down yonder

During the recession of 1937, fifteen-year-old Mary Alice is sent to live with her feisty, larger-than-life grandmother in rural Illinois and comes to a better understanding of this fearsome woman.
Cover image of A year down yonder


[a modern tale of faerie]
Seventeen-year-old Valerie Russell runs away to New York City and befriends a group of very unusual characters who live in the city's subway tunnels, and soon finds herself bound into service by a troll named Ravus.
Cover image of Valiant

A brief chapter in my impossible life

Sixteen-year-old atheist Simone Turner-Bloom's life changes in unexpected ways when her parents convince her to make contact with her biological mother, an agnostic from a Jewish family who is losing her battle with cancer.
Cover image of A brief chapter in my impossible life

Stop the train!

Despite the opposition of the owner of the Red Rock Runner Railroad in 1893, the new settlers of Florence, Oklahoma, are determined to build a real town.
Cover image of Stop the train!

The kite rider

In thirteenth-century China, after trying to save his widowed mother from a horrendous second marriage, twelve-year-old Haoyou has life-changing adventures when he takes to the sky as a circus kite rider and ends up meeting the great Mongol ruler Kublai Khan.
Cover image of The kite rider


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