Two-Can ecolog?a

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La vida en las selvas

Describes the importance of rain forests, their plant and animal populations, and how they are threatened by deforestation. Focuses particularly on the damage humans have caused to rain forests and what can be done to save them. An African tale at the end encourages readers to apply their knowledge of rain forests.

La vida en los oc?anos

Examines plant and animal life, minerals, and other riches below the surface of the ocean, and the potential havoc that humans can wreak in harvesting resources from the seas.

La vida en las monta?as

Photographs, text, and illustrations help introduce children to the different animals that live in the mountains and discuss how they have been affected by the damage humans inflict on the environment.

La vida en los desiertos

Describes the desert environment and the different types of plants and animals that live there.

La vida en las monta?as

Looks at the many different forms of life on the mountains of the world, their geological formations, and how man has adapted to the mountains, focusing on the damage humans have caused to mountains and what can be done to save them. Includes a North American Indian story explaining the discovery of fire.
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