Rosen real readers en espa?ol

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Familias de gorilas

Describes the physical characteristics, habits, social behavior, and endangered status of gorillas.

Las pir?mides de Egipto

Explores the history of Egypt's pyramids, looking at how they were constructed, who was buried in them, and the religious significance of the structures and their contents.

La historia de Toro Sentado

Introduces the Hunkpapa leader, Sitting Bull, including his childhood, war with the United States over land, life on a reservation, touring with Buffalo Bill, and death.

Qu? es la Constituci?n de los Estados Unidos de Am?rica?

An introduction to the Constitution of the United States, explaining the three branches of the national government, the Bill of Rights, and the responsibilities of the leaders and the people who elect them.

Un pueblo apache

Introduces the history, beliefs, social interaction, and festivals of modern-day Apache Indians, as experienced by descendants of the warrior, Geronimo, and their friends.

El sol por dentro

Discusses the formation of the sun and planets, and explains how the sun gives heat, light, and energy to living things.
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