Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem

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What color is my world?

the lost history of African-American inventors
While twins Ella and Herbie help the handyman Mr. Midal work on their new home, he tells them about such inventors as Granville Woods, Dr. Henry T. Sampson, and James West, giving them a new view of their heritage as African-Americans.

On the shoulders of giants

my journey through the Harlem Renaissance
Legendary basketball great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar traces his childhood in Harlem, his professional career, and the influence of the Harlem Renaissance on his life and the African-American culture.

Giant steps

An autobiography of the basketball legend describing his journey from Harlem to UCLA to the NBA.

Black profiles in courage

a legacy of African American achievement
Presents profiles of courageous African-American men and women, ranging over the course of four centuries, who typify the virtues of integrity, discipline, and self-respect.


Legendary center Kareem takes us inside the world of professional basketball and the climax of one of the greatest careers in sports history, taken from his personal diary.

What color is my world?

the lost history of African-American inventors
While twins Ella and Herbie help the handyman Mr. Midal work on their new home, he tells them about such inventors as Granville Woods, Dr. Henry T. Sampson, and James West, giving them a new view of their heritage as African-Americans.

Sasquatch in the paint

Eighth-grader Theo Rollins' growth spurt has Coach Mandrake trying to transform him into a basketball star, but training time is hurting the science club's chances of winning the "Aca-lympics," and being accused of stealing could mean Theo is off both teams.


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